Multidisciplinary Designer + Illustrator

Quezon Typeface


What started out as a rejected study turned experiment, turned low-key form of protest, Quezon is a humanist typeface named after the “Father of the Filipino Language” and the city I grew up in. It is inspired by a mixture of art deco, the ancient Filipino script “Baybayin”, and the old buildings of Metro Manila still standing today.

Quezon is meant for headlines, subcopy or short paragraphs and it currently comes with a few symbols and limited glyphs with accents.

You could get Quezon here by paying whatever you think it’s work or just get it for free!

Proceeds will be donated to educational charities. This is to help fight against systemic poverty and the lies and news fabrication currently ongoing, such as the whitewashing of Martial Law.

Quezon Typeface
Quezon Typeface
Quezon Typeface
Quezon Typeface
Quezon Typeface